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Kilburn Grange School

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Book a School Tour

We are delighted to welcome prospective parents and guardians looking for In-Year transfers and Reception places for September 2025.

A tour gives you an opportunity to visit classrooms, including our specialist teaching spaces, and meet some of our children. You will have an opportunity to meet our Headteacher Ms Helen Khinich and members of the Senior Leadership and Early Years teams who can answer any questions that you might have. Tours run for maximum two adults per household. Places are limited and booking is essential.

To book a tour, submit your details below and continue to select a date.

Please complete all fields marked (*)


Kilburn Grange is a wonderfully diverse school. Each pupil is catered to and helped with their learning. Excellent school!

If you cannot join any of the available dates, please email info@kilburngrangeschool.org.uk and we will try our best to accommodate all parents and guardians.