We Are a Green School
We believe that sustainability and education on climate change are a priority in order to nurture responsible adults of tomorrow. We engage staff and involve pupils in green education and activities, such as:
- We have a clear travel plan for encouraging all pupils and parents to walk, scoot or cycle to school, with secure park on our premises (full plan below)
- We walk or use public transport during school trips and activities outside the school building
- We are working towards being more efficient in using energy through assessment, monitoring, reduction, provision and production.
- We have adopted LED lighting and smart readers
- We collaborate with the local park and allotment keepers
- We have a nominated Eco Lead (staff member) who is supported by the School Council (pupils)
- We have created recycling hubs
- We are hard at work with local residents (the 'Brent Eleven Streets' association) and with Brent and Camden Councils towards a greener Priory Park Road
- We are part of 'Our Schools Our World' programme.
We aspire to be as sustainable and green as possible; we are constantly evaluating and reviewing our green practices and therefore the above is just the start of our journey.
Working with the local authorities
Our Year 5 and 6 pupils wrote to the Leader of Brent Council, Mr Muhammed Butt, in order to raise awareness of the problem they encounter on their way to school. In response to the letters, five Brent councellors came to visit us, committing to help us improve the local area.
Letters to the Leader of Brent Council,Cllr Butt