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Kilburn Grange School

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Home Learning & Remote Education

Home learning

'Enthusiastic Readers' is one of our curriculum drivers as reading is the thread to access all other learning. We read every day at school and encourage children to continue at home with the support of their carers.

Sharing a book with your child as part of their daily (or bed time!) routine is crucial in establishing good habits for reading throughout life. Don’t worry if it is a book they have previously read! We encourage pupils to get to know books really well as this builds up their fluency.

Every pupil is given a home learning book with tasks such as mathematics and spelling for them to complete weekly. We use a number of computer programmes to support children’s learning across various subjects, and you'll be able to find your child’s logins and passwords to these programmes on the inside cover of their home learning book. Homework books are collected every Wednesday and returned every Friday. Please ensure your child brings their school bag to school every day.

Remote Education

Where local or national restrictions, or cases of force majeure require entire cohorts of pupils to remain at home, we provide for the continued education and wellbeing of our children.

We take advantage of online resources using Class Dojo to host pupils’ work online, and Zoom to deliver live lessons for each year group. We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, adaptations in some subjects are inevitable, such as in Physical Education, where we focus more on fitness and individual exercise rather than taking part in team sports.

There will be activities that children can access independently or, in the case of our younger pupils, can complete with parental support. Daily sessions of literacy and maths, alongside a range of practical and creative activities will continue. Reading remains a core priority across all year groups. Classes will have regular contact with their class teacher, teaching assistant and specialist teachers across the week.

See our full remote education plan for further details.